We started planting seeds in our greenhouse last week, and we’ve already got celery sprouts coming up. We planted all of the tomatoes and peppers. We are starting the rest of plants very soon. We had several of the staff of High Rocks volunteering to help us; it was a very exciting day for all of us.
We have installed a thermostat so that we can keep track of the temperatures in the greenhouse so that we can be sure it does not get too cold. We have also had a solar fan installed to keep it from getting too hot, however it seems that our problem is not the greenhouse getting too hot but getting too cold. We covered our planting trays with row covers to protect them from the cold weather. As soon as we get more planting supplies we are going to plant the rest of the plants. Our participants have been picking up their seeds and fertilizer; they are all very excited about starting their gardens. It looks like the rain is going to hold off long enough for us to get some gardens plowed and tilled.
Even with planting the seeds just last week, we already several sprouts. It looks as if the greenhouse is going to be very successful! After weeks of waiting for the rain to let up, it finally did.
We went out early this morning and finally got all of our small gardens plowed. As soon as we finish plowing the last two gardens, we will till and then start planting!
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