I must say that this first week of spring felt a bit like the first week of summer. With temperatures in the mid-eighties all week, we had ourselves a mid-March heat wave! Nonetheless, we persevered and very much enjoyed the sunshine. This week we were able to plant over a bushel of onion sets and nearly 150 pounds of seed potatoes at our shelter. Our peas, beets, turnips, and lettuce mix are popping up and we have heaps of transplants to get in the ground next week. We have been munching on overwintered carrots and beets lately and it is so nice to have that early spring garden snack! Spring is certainly rocking out here!
On top of our vegetable production, we have been preparing this week for our native tree planting. All of our trees have been delivered and we will be
hosting a volunteer event this weekend to plant our micro-forest. We are really looking forward to this event and will be posting pictures and updates on our BDVP website soon. Next week we will continue to plow new ground, till and plant. We have cabbage, cilantro, lettuces, broccoli, greens, and cauliflower to get in the ground. I am certainly wondering how this heat will affect these cool season plants and if we will still have some cool, spring weather. Hard tellin’, not knowin’.
We are also presently working to get a handle on our healing garden, where we have a number of culinary and medicinal herbs, native plants, wildflowers, berries, and a butterfly garden. It is really beginning to fill in this year and we want to get it weeded, mulched, and thinned out as early as we can. This is such an exciting time! It is so fun to watch all the perennial flowers and herbs begin to present themselves again after hiding all winter. So beautiful! I have to say that things are really looking great so far and we are excited to be able to do this good earth work at our facility
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