In our first, official blog post for the Grow Appalachia community, the Bluegrass Domestic Violence Program would like to offer our sincere gratitude for our partnership with this amazing project!  We are gearing up for another abundant year of food, flowers, and feasting at our residential facility.  BDVP produces most of the fresh produce that goes into our daily meals at shelter, while offering skills training and resources to our families to begin gardening and preparing healthy meals when they leave shelter.  Over the last year, in addition to our vegetable production, we have worked to establish strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, native flowers, medicinal herbs, and honey bees.  This year we will increase vegetable, flower, and honey production and begin marketing some of our products to the community.

In the past several weeks we have begun prepping beds, plowing new ground and have even done a bit of planting in the field…peas, spinach, and some early root crops.  Lettuce, herbs, greens, and brassica transplants are going strong in the greenhouse thanks to help from the University of Kentucky Sustainable Agriculture Program and the Horticulture Research farm.  We are looking forward to an awesome season this year. Thanks again to Grow Appalachia for all of your support!

For more information on the work we are doing to serve victims of intimate partner violence please visit our website at  and for more information on our farm project take a look at our farm blog .