The High Rocks Grow Appalachia Project is officially in motion. On Feb 23, 2012 we met with our participants to organize garden plans, seed orders and site visits. It gave us an opportunity to meet all of the participants and get to know their goals for gardening this year. We have participants who are very enthusiastic and excited to begin work in their gardens. We feel that we have a great beginning to what is going to be a very successful and productive Grow Appalachia year. We already have a few workshops scheduled that were organized around the interests of our participants and are working on setting up more with enough notice in advance for participants to be able to attend, not just the required number of workshops, but all of the workshops that appeal to them. We are placing our seed order very soon and starting seeds in the green house in accordance with the requests of our participants.
Looking Foward at High Rocks
Interviews for a program coordinator are underway and we have received several qualified applicants. We hope to have someone for the position soon. Site visits are scheduled to begin this week with our beginning gardeners to finalize the plans for the gardens and work out what materials and tools will be needed to make those gardens successful not only this year but in the long term future as well. One of the goals of our participants is the setup a sustainable garden that will produce food for not just this year but many years to come. We are really looking forward to the progress that will be made this garden season and working with the participants that we have.
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