We had a wonderful day yesterday, July 26th, with David as he came to visit and see some of our participants and their gardens. It was one of those rare days we didn’t have a rain shower. We got to see several of our participants. We found some canning beans. Most talked about how wet it has been this season and the tomato blight. We saw some beautiful gardens in spite of the weather and some that has had water and wind damage. From small to large gardens, from individual gardens to Senior Citizens community garden all have had produce from their gardens. All are enjoying raising their own food and sharing it with others. Below are some pictures from the day:
Harvested ready to can
Back porch canning
Don Storey and David
Sweet Potatos
Cole, Jesse, Gary, Sharon Byrant, David
Beautiful Bean |
Hugh Pepper |
A tomato without blight |
Renee McCoy, Gary, David
Raised bed of Cucumber @ Senior Citizens Housing |
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