Our participants are beginning to harvest some of their crops, peppers, beans, new potatoes, carrots, cucumbers, etc. Corn is starting to tassel.
We have had a couple of food preservation classes and our participants enjoyed themselves and learned a few things. The class was presented by Theresa Scott, FCS Agent, Floyd County Extension Service. Some said they were going to freeze more of their produce this year. It is quicker and easier they said. They learned that some of the old time methods of preserving are not as safe.

Food Preservation Class

Despite the wet and humid weather our gardens are doing very well. We are seeing growth and produce. Our gardeners are excited about what they are growing and what they have harvested. Some can’t believe that they were able to grow their own food.

As we continue through the season we are seeing friendships forged and ideas shared. Some of our participants are becoming more social and opening up. Sharing and listening to each other helps to build relationships. Growing gardens is something we have in common whether you are a seasoned gardener of just a beginner, we all share a common goal,  being able to grow our own food for our families and to share with others. Grow Appalachia Project is helping our community, to be just that a community.