Garden pics and catering!
Garden pictures are starting to come in! HI everyone, Debbie here reporting in from Rural Resources over in East Tennessee. I handed out disposable cameras to our teens so they
Garden pictures are starting to come in! HI everyone, Debbie here reporting in from Rural Resources over in East Tennessee. I handed out disposable cameras to our teens so they
Food Commanders, and some other teens, have been busy here at Rural Resources in East Tennessee, mastering pickling. Good morning, Debbie Strickland chiming in on this Sunday morning. Sorry I
Hi, Debbie here at Rural Resources, and I would like to share some pictures that one teen family shared about their garden going in, and the growth of
Hi all, it's Debbie here! We have been busy this past week at Rural Resources in East Tennessee! (as if we are never busy every week during the summer!) We
I felt like we were playing poker in class Friday with Food Commanders. With gardens being in for 1 to 2 months in our East Tennessee homes, the teens were