Crop Profiles
When growing food, it is important to also know about the specifics of the individual plant you are working with. This list includes over nineteen plants and goes through individual growing needs, pest concerns, and production considerations.
Production Guide for Snap Beans
General Organic Management Practices, Soil Health, Cover Crops, Field Selection, Weed Management, Recommended Varieties, Planting Methods, Crop & Soil Nutrient Management, Harvesting, Using Organic Pesticides, Disease Management, Root Problems, and Insect Management
University of Kentucky Snap Beans
Marketing, Market Outlook, Production considerations, Site selection, Labor Requirements, Pest Management, Harvest, Economics considerations, and assorted extra resources.
Succession Planting for months of Green Beans
Varieties, Crop Requirements, Sowing, Cultivations, Rotations, Succession plantings, Dry beans, Pests and Diseases, Harvest, and Postharvest.
Succession planting for months of green beans – Growing for Market
NC State Introduction to Beets
Soil, Fertilizer, Varieties, Seeding, Irrigation, Weed Control, Disease Control, Insect Control, Harvesting, Storage, and Yields.
Beets and carrots: what you need to succeed
Varieties, Crop Requirements, Sowing, Transplanting, Cultivation, Pests and Diseases, Harvest, Postharvest, Rotations, and Seed Saving.
Beets and carrots_ what you need to succeed – Growing for Market
The Secret to Growing Beets: Five Tips for Success
Organic Production for Cole Crops
General Organic Management Practices, Soil Health, Cover Crops, Field Selection, Weed Management, Recommended Varieties, Planting, Crop & Soil Nutrient Management, Harvest and Storage, Using Organic Pesticides, Disease Management, Nematodes, Nonpathogenic Disorders, and Insect Management.
University of Kentucky Introduction to Cabbage
Market Outlook, Production Considerations, Site selection, Pest Management, Harvest, Storage, Labor, and assorted selected resources.
Scouting Guide for Common Problems of Cole Crops in Kentucky
Sections on diseases, insects, pests, disorders, and injuries.
Carrots- Parsnips
Beets and carrots: what you need to succeed
Varieties, Crop Requirements, Sowing, Transplanting, Cultivation, Pests and Diseases, Harvest, Postharvest, Rotations, and Seed Saving.
Beets and carrots_ what you need to succeed – Growing for Market
Four Keys to Successful Carrot Culture
Bed Preparation, Spacing, Weeding, Watering
Getting to the Root of Good Carrot Production
Planting tips, Handling disease, Insect pests, Nematode damage, and Harvest tips
Parsnips are easy to grow and reliable
Varieties, Speed specifications, yield, crop requirements, sowing, spacing, harvest, storage, pests and disease, seed savings, and rotations.
Small-Scale Organic Carrot Production
Overview, Types, Soil Preparation, Requirements, Establishment, Weeds, and Storage.
Managing Cucumber Beetles in Organic Farming Systems
Cucumber Beetle Biology, Crop Damage, Predators, Organic Cultural Controls Cucumber Beetles in Organic Farming Systems
Cucumber Production
Marketing, Site Selection, Pollination, Pest Management, Risk Management, Harvest, Storage, Handling.
Organic Control Measures for Striped Cucumber Beetles
Blog post about six control measures
Organic Control Measures for Striped Cucumber Beetles _ High Mowing Organic Non-GMO Seeds
Garlic & Perennial Onion Growing Guide
Varieties, Soil Preparation, Fertility Requirements, Planting Depth & Spacing, Planting Dates, Watering & Cultivation, Harvest, Storage, and Disease Control
Garlic and Perennial Onion Growing Guide-Southern Exposure Seed
ATTRA Garlic: Organic Production
Production, Seed Sources, Soil Fertility, Planting, Seed Stocks, Irrigation, Labor, Pest Management, Insects, Diseases, Nematodes, Weeds, Harvest, and Storage
PennState Garlic Production
Marketing, Types, Site Selection, Planting, Irrigation, Fertilization, Practices, Weed Control, Insects and Diseases, Harvest and Storage, and Risk Management.
University of Kentucky Garlic and Elephant Garlic Introduction
Marketing, Market Outlook, Production Considerations, and Economic Considerations.
Leafy Greens
Asian Greens (Mustard Spinach, Bok Choi, Etc)
Varieties, Requirements, Sowing, Transplanting, Irrigation, and Pests
Collards & Kale
Quality short overview of establishment methods, Pest management, and other conditions.
PennState Extension Cantaloupe Production
Marketing, Planting and Fertilization, Pollination, Pest Control, Considerations, Harvest, Storage, and Risk Management
Growing Muskmelons (Cantaloupes)
Types of Melon, Crop Requirements, Growing transplants, Transplanting, Direct Sowing, Caring for the Crop, Rotations, Succession Planting, Season Extension, Insect Pests, Diseases, Harvest, Storage, and Seed Saving
University of Kentucky Muskmelon Introduction
Marketing, Market Outlook, Pest Management, Site Selection, Planting, Harvest and Storage, Labor Requirements, and Economic Considerations
NC State Extension Muskmelons
Variety Selection, Seeds and Seeding, Plant Characteristics, Soils, Fertilization, Spacing, Transplanting, Irrigation, Pollination, Protecting Early Crops, Varieties, Diseases, Insects, Weeds, and Harvesting
Grow Great Onions – Part One and Two
Types, Starting Seeds, Planting, Harvesting, and Storing
PennState Onion Production
Marketing, Site Selection, Variety Selection, Planting and Fertilization, Pest Control, Harvest and Storage, Agricultural Practices, and Risk Management
For The Gardener: Growing Onions & Leeks
Goes through many varieties of Onions and Leeks and specific growing techniques.
University of Kentucky: Hot Peppers and Specialty Sweet Peppers
Types, Market Outlook, Production Considerations, Marketing, Economics Considerations.
Pepper Primer: Everything you need to know to succeed with sweet peppers
Types, Crop Requirements, Crop Rotations, Sowing, Transplanting, Growing, Pests and Diseases, Season Extension, and Harvest
Pepper primer_ Everything you need to know to succeed with sweet peppers – Growing for Market
PennState Extension Pepper Production
Marketing, Production, Pest Management, Harvest and Storage, and Handling Practices
For The Gardener: Peppers – From Sweet to Fiery
Pepper Cultivation, Seed and Seedling, Transplanting Tips, Fertility, Irrigation, and Plant Support
University of Kentucky Introduction to Bell Peppers
Marketing, Market Outlook, Selection, Planting, Pest Management, Harvest, and Storage
Organic Pumpkin and Winter Squash Marketing and Production
Marketing, General Production, Soil, Fertility, Planting, Weed Management, Pest Problems, Harvesting, and Storage
Scouting Guide for Common Problems of Cucurbit Crops in Kentucky
Physiological and Nutrient disorders, Insect Pests, Diseases, Fungi, Bacteria, Virus, and Nematodes.
Succession Plant Summer Squash
Varieties, Crop Requirements, Rotations, Sowing, Transplanting, Caring for the Crop, Succession Planting, Pests, Diseases, Harvest and Post Harvest, Squash Blossoms, Season Extension, and Seed Saving
University of Kentucky: Winter Squash Introduction
Marketing, Market Outlook, Site Selection and Planting, Selection, Pest Management, Harvest, and Storage
Basket-Weave Trellising Instructions
Tomatoes, Peppers, Materials, Stake Set Up, Basket-Weaving Wand, Basket Weaving, Pruning Tomatoes, and Pruning Peppers
Cherry Tomatoes – Pruning &Training
Labor Cost, How Tomatoes Grow, Pruning, Removing Lower Leaves, Additional Tips, and Useful Websites
University of Kentucky – Greenhouse Tomatoes
Marketing, Market Outlook, Production Considerations, Economic Considerations, and more resources
University of Kentucky Heirloom Tomatoes
Marketing, Market Outlook, Production Considerations, Economic Considerations, and more resources
University of Kentucky High Tunnel Tomatoes
Marketing, Market Outlook, Production Considerations, Economic Considerations, and more resources
PennState – Stake your Tomatoes
Trellising tips, tricks, and plan of action.
University of Kentucky – Field Grown Tomatoes
Marketing, Market Outlook, Production Considerations, Economic Considerations, and more resources
Get your Watermelons when it’s hot
Varieties, Crop Requirements and yield, Rotations, Sowing, Transplanting, Spacing, Caring for the crop, Season Extension, Pests and disease, Harvest, Post-harvest storage, and any related resources
University of Kentucky – Watermelon
Marketing, Market Outlook, Production Considerations, Economic Considerations, and more resources
Additional Vegetables
Herbs: Organic Greenhouse Production
Marketing and Economics, Herbs Suited to Organic Greenhouses, Production Methods, Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Diseases, and References
Growing Peas in the Home Garden
Growing hints, Bush vs. Climbers, Three types of Peas, Snow Peas, Sugar Snap Peas, and Shelling Peas
Potatoes: Organic Production and Marketing
Section I – Organic production overview, Fertility and nutrient management, Organic matter, Rotations
Section II – Weed management, Nematode management, Disease management, Insect management
Section III – Harvesting, Storage, Economics and marketing of organic potato production, Profile of organic potato grower: Gene Thiel, and Profile of organic potato grower: Mike Heath
Sweet Potato Growing Guide
Planting and Growing from Slips, Harvesting, Curing & Storage, and Growing Your Own Slips