Last weekend more than 80 people came out to a local Wild Edibles festival hosted by the Pocahontas Co. Nature club and the Hillsboro Library. Guest speaker Mimi Hernandez waxed folkloric about our local species and their medicinal and culinary value. A walk on the Greenbrier River trail with naturalist Mike Smith helped participants find wild food and learn best practices for safely, ethically and sustainably harvesting their lunch. Several of our participants who are interested in wildcrafting attended and came back with great ideas about growing wild food and medicinals on their land.
Along those lines, our favorite pest-control tip of the month is the following tip from Growing & Marketing Ginseng, Goldenseal & Other Woodland Medicinals by Persons and Davis:
It is said that a decoction of the entire may apple plant is a good defense against potato bugs. Mash up then boil may apple plants in water. Spread this mixture around your potato plants to deter the pests. It is also said that parts of the may apple plant are poisonous to people. Please use caution, let us know if you try this, and tell us if it works!
yay!!! was lovin’ those mayapple flowers this year!