I see I haven’t posted in almost a month. We’ve been having educational speakers. One canceled meeting due to weather. We’ve had several new people join. We haven’t been able to do to much because of unending weather. I gave a talk to the local Biggest Loser group about the garden a couple weeks ago and a couple of the contestants have come to our meetings. Bill and I met at the our building (it’s a pole barn, finished into a very nice meeting space with a full kitchen) to go over our brochure for revisions. The storm hit shortly after we started. WHEW 1st the rain hit in torrents along with blasts of wind. We could hear things blowing on the porch. Finally Bill couldn’t take it and had to look. It had blown our tool closet out into the lawn. Nothing we could do in those winds. We finished and took off for home. The high tunnel sides were flapping like crazy. The next morning I went over and the high tunnel is mostly OK, but one side pole had completely come free and the other one was slightly bent and one of the posts that hold the side in was gone. I’m sure we can put it all back. The greenhouses are fine thank goodness, as we’ve got plants started in them. The tool shed was blown in the opposite direction it had originally gone and was at the bottom of the hill below the greenhouses. Crazy!
Well Bill and I are excited to be coming to the conference monday and are looking forward to meeting people we read about in the blogs. Take Care All, Sue
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