This summer has been a time of bounty and deepening connections. In June, we made visits to the home gardeners we are supporting to see how things are growing and to help troubleshoot any challenges they were facing. It was so rewarding to see the home gardeners proudly showing off their spaces and sharing how important this opportunity has been for them!  

During our first stop, we connected with home gardener Jennifer, who we’ve worked closely with this season as she grows her very first garden. She has been really excited  to involve her kids in this project alongside her, and during our garden visit in June, we finally got to meet her young ones. They shared that they’ve been enjoying helping mom in the garden and that they’re eager to eat a melon from their raised beds!  

At another home garden, we connected with the family of a summer 2022 Youth Community Agriculture Participant and were delighted not only by the beautiful flowers and happy tomato plants, but for the updates on Sterling “Strawberry”! Sterling sent me a message later that day sharing that his summer working with YCAP is one of the most impactful things he’s ever done! He’s been working at the community center this summer as he gets ready to start college in the fall and is thinking of studying sociology.  

Another home gardener, Danika “Date,” home schools her kids and mostly works from home. She shared that her garden has been an important place of peace and self-care for her this season. This is her first year gardening and she has been loving trying new things, learning by discovery, and sharing the bounty with her family and her neighbors! Her garden is impressive and a showcase of many dreams brought to life.  

Another home gardener, Pamala, across the street neighbor to Danika “Date”, proudly showcased her sweet potato vines, apple trees, kohl rabi and more during our visit. While she has some previous experience with growing vegetables, this is her first time tending to her own home garden. And, as it turns out, she is connected to one of the Food Literacy Project’s board members who was formerly employed with Kentucky State University!  

All of these examples really show how partnering with Grow Appalachia has helped us deepen the way we support home gardening efforts and expand our community connections! This season has been incredibly rewarding and full of opportunities for connection and to offer more robust support to home gardeners.  

Meanwhile at the Food Literacy Project farm, we have been working with an amazing YCAP crew this summer. We’ve hosted lovely gatherings for home gardeners, on-farm cooking and gardening Field-to-Fork clubs, and we’ve participated in the Fund for the Arts and Library’s Cultural Pass program, welcoming an average of 40 families a week to the farm to get their hands dirty, create a farm fresh recipe, and take home farm bounty! The YCAP crew has had the opportunity to connect with leaders in food justice work here in Louisville, chefs, community organizers, and to learn from many home gardeners as they’ve visited various urban farms throughout their season. We often hear how impactful these connections are for the crew, as they get to see that you can grow food in lots of different ways, and on a small or a big scale depending on your goals, your space, etc., but also a variety of ways to stay involved in food systems work and community change initiatives even if you’re not growing a garden! It’s been a wonderful summer so far filled with meaningful connection and delicious vegetables!  


Home Gardener Pamala is excited for watermelons and sweet potatoes!

Happy tomato plants at the Chase Family garden!

Danika proudly shows off her garden!

YCAP participants lead Field-to-Fork club members in a winter squash planting!