Bea Sias
Step by Step, Logan, West Virginia
I am enclosing more pictures for this month with my blog. These pictures belong to the Southwestern Day Report, who have four large gardens. These gardens are located in Logan, Boone, Lincoln and Mingo Counties. I wrote a brief history of this organization at the beginning of the garden season. The people have had some rough roads and working in these gardens are helping to get their life back on the right track.
As you can tell from these beautiful gardens, they have been loved and care for to grow this good. Moreover, I know for a fact this organization will not turn down plants, seeds or anything else we have to offer. They have put everything to good use.
We have had some very hot days and summer is just starting. These gardens do not belong to the people who take care of them. Yes, they are welcome to take what they want from the gardens, and then the rest goes to a church’s pantry. The Church will then distribute food boxes to homeless or anyone that needs food. This is also, healthy eating and Southwestern Day is trying to help people get healthy.
Working in four large gardens is very hard work. But a lot of people do from March all the way through October, just to have good fresh food to feed their families for several months. This organization has people working alongside to make sure people who are trying to get life back in order has the help they need. I know that they have these people best interest.
The work they are doing for the people who are homeless or giving to the “Bless the Lambs” Church organization, will be blessed by all. They along with Grow Appalachia are trying to teach people to eat healthily and stay healthy.
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