The farm has been feeding us good. We wish you all could taste some of the amazing vegetable and pasta salads we’ve been enjoying this month! But recently the flowers on our farm have been been creating so much beauty in our lives that we just have to share them with you.
Although plenty of hope and opportunity permeate our mission to end intimate partner abuse, some days are just plain sad.
The adults who work on our farm and the children who play in the fields are survivors of unimaginable pain and suffering.Even for advocates who have worked in the mission for many years, the stories of violence and abuse are heart wrenching.
The vegetables and berries we grow provide nutritious meals to encourage physical healing. The big blue sky, birds chirping, and butterflies fluttering put minds at ease to encourage emotional healing. The job training adults in shelter experience on the farm creates opportunity.
And the flowers on our farm?
Well, Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “The earth laughs in flowers.” And every steel magnolia knows that laughter through tears is the best emotion. So, our flowers create happiness. Happiness for the survivors we serve, happiness for our community supporters, happiness for our staff.
Recently, survivors gathered in our commercial kitchen to practice flower arranging skills in preparation for sales of bouquets at The Bread Box Farmers’ Market in May and the launch of our Summer Flower CSA in June.
Something amazing happens when people gather in a room full of flowers. Meaningful conversations evolve. Collaboration and support emerge. And lots of laughter inevitably ensues. Maybe this is what “flower power” is all about?
Here are some photos of the arrangements made by survivors that day. We hope they make you smile, too. Hope blooms.
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