Beatrice (Bea) Sias, Lead Community Org.-Logan, WV.
The Community Garden is just a little ways from the Lead Community Organization office. I visited the Garden one day when several groups of children were visiting with Heather, one of our volunteers, she was letting them help her with planting the vegetables. Each child got to plant a potato, onion, and some other vegetables. The children were mostly from Day Cares, Head Start, and several teens came from Shady Spring, Maryland, who helped her quite a lot.
The Raised Beds really looked good and I don’t believe they had a weed in them.
They really enjoyed this day and some probably will remember this for a very long time. Most of them probably didn’t know what a garden was or looked like. They also, played games, tag, and exercised, running in the big field where the Community Garden is located. One little girl got so muddy that she got stuck in the mud and they pulled her out and had to clean her shoes, but she had a blast. They each got to plant a tomato seed in a cup of dirt, and was allowed to take it back to their school, so they could keep it watered, plenty of sunshine and watch it grow.
Heather plans to have more activities at the Community Garden with the children, as soon as the weather gets warmer. She is also bringing some of the residents from a home to the garden, and let them help her plant some beans, and other things so they can say they helped plant their garden. Heather has always had her own vegetable garden and she is doing a great job at the Community Garden. She has 25 plots that are being used now by people who otherwise could not have a garden.
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