Hello, and Happy Holidays from Scott County!   Lisa Cotton here, happily reporting from the kitchen of the Scott Christian Care Center.  Our newly renovated kitchen is getting a real workout this holiday season.  We have been having a blast making our own special products to raise funds for the center.


The smell of sugar and the sound of laughter from the kitchen permeated the building as our volunteers tirelessly worked on these lovely creations.

Cookies  in a Jar……….


Soup in a Jar………….

Chili in a Jar………..


Brownies in a Jar………….


These beautiful jars contain all of the dry ingredients and are labeled with simple instructions for completing these dishes.

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We have also been making body scrubs, using lavender from one of our Grow Appalachia participant’s gardens.

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We set up a table of these products at our coupon class and was able to raise enough money to offset half of the cost for the class, which made it more affordable for everyone.  The class was wonderful!

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It was especially exciting to see the positive response we had for the products.

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The orders are really starting to roll in!  Some people are buying them as a thoughtful gift for someone, for very little money.  Some people are buying them to use as a quick meal.  Still, others are interested in buying them to help our mission.

I bought the peppermint brownie jar myself, after discovering how delicious these brownies are during a taste test at the center.  I fully intended on using this jar to prepare these brownies and share them with my friends and family….or maybe not:-)  But, when I saw how beautiful the jar looked on my kitchen counter, I just didn’t have the heart to open it.

I would like to send out a hug and a very special thanks to Teressa Honeycutt, our dear friend and one of our Grow Appalachia participants.  She is an extraordinary lady; and the brains and positive energy behind this new venture.

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Thank you, Teressa…..Nicely done!