We finally got a couple things in the ground! We built 5 raised beds for the time being and we planted red and yellow onions, and lots of lettuce in them. Of course the next day it snowed. So we’ll see what happens.
Our starter plants are doing great. I can’t wait until we get to keep them in the greenhouse where they will get better light and heat instead of in front of a window.
We have some chickens coming soon! The best part is they are FREE. Scott and I will be furnishing the feed for them, organic of course. We turned a tool shed into quite the awesome chicken coop. We are asking all the folks in our area to save their egg cartons for us.
Since we are supposed to have a great weather week, we will be getting the participants together and getting the soil tests for them started, we will be getting their garden maps and helping to prep their plots.
The excitement and plants are growing!
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