Greetings from Park Place
It snows and then melts; then snows again. But spring is starting to show her hidden face. Daffodils are determined to bloom and crocuses have been sited. Soon, the hillsides will be covered with a glorious green hue and temperatures will encourage us all to go outside. Park Place is being designed to encourage people to do just that. Go outside and take a look at things that are growing – that are good to eat.
Park Place is divided into two locations; one in Tennessee and one in Virginia but both in the city of Bristol. At the Bristol VA park, we’re in the process of planting an edible park with Trees that Feed using trees such as apple, cherry, pawpaw, serviceberry, persimmon, and pear will be planted and tended by school students both during and after school. Fruits from the trees will be sampled by groups of our “maintenance” kids and signs, designed by these students will help the casual visitor learn how to grow them on their own properties.
The second park, is being designed as a vegetable park and will be located at a underutilized community garden area. A demonstration garden is being planned to help area residence learn how to plan and plant a simple garden that can feed a family of 4. Multiple demonstrations are being planned to encourage community residence to partake in the adventure of gardening and eating home grown produce.
So, get out and take a look at the earth awakening from its winter sleep. It won’t be long before summer’s glory is making us hot!
My mother said that in parts of Europe, they used to plant fruit on road right of ways. I don'[t know where this was. I think this is a great idea.