Armilda and her cornfield

A small portion of Talt’s corn harvest

ASPI Rockcastle Co. GA participants are busy harvesting produce.  On follow-up visits we are finding good harvests in spite of the drought and heat.  With many farmers losing their corn crops, the superb corn harvests some of our participants are reaping, with no irrigation no less!, are very impressive.  Talt has been selling from one of his sites, as well as donating to a local nursing home.  He harvested and sold 80 dozen just yesterday.  He is out harvesting again today.  Great!  Armilda put in 2 acres of corn for her and her family.  She chooses a different path, in that what she can’t use she gives away.  Many of our participants choose to give extra produce to friends, family and churches or food banks rather than sell.  Even those who sell tend to donate a portion in addition.  While encouraging our participants to get involved in farm marketing is something we are supporting, the principal of sharing through giving is an important part of the local culture and to be respected and supported as well.  Supporting our participants in this is a way to extend the reach of the program to many additional people and to respect generations-old local customs – a much more important duty than turning a profit. 
Site visits are continuing, fall plantings are being prepared for, and the weather is more pleasant.  What more could we ask?